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MTL nicotine strength

One thing that helped me a lot was getting over the fear of running out of cigarettes. Not worrying how many i had left.
Going out b4 i went to bed to buy a pack to make sure i had some when i woke up.
That kinda stuff

Edit: i would actually smoke my last cig, then worry about it a half hour or hour later when i would usually be smoking my next cig. Also helped with the 'lighting a cig everytime i get in my car' trigger
Numbers are not important. I started using 12-9 mg and i was a chains smoker smoking 2,5 packs red per day. Now i am good with 6 mg and i vape around 12-15 mL per day. Your body will get used to it. Just be patient.
Numbers are not important. I started using 12-9 mg and i was a chains smoker smoking 2,5 packs red per day. Now i am good with 6 mg and i vape around 12-15 mL per day. Your body will get used to it. Just be patient.
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