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Rebuildables: Beginners experiences

I changed out flavours this morning with no problems. The new flavour comes through fresh and clean. It happens to be Malted Milk from wavesofvapour..and it's a very nice morning vape with my mug of strong Yorkshire tea :)
The one flavour that is so hard to get rid of, even by washing and dry burning is SD4...the peanut flavour lingers more than menthol!

Everything else, I can just drip a new juice in and the old flavour is gone after maybe 5 drags.

Not had a chance to watch those videos you posted yet as im using my phone, might have a gander tonight if I get a spare half hour.
The one flavour that is so hard to get rid of, even by washing and dry burning is SD4...the peanut flavour lingers more than menthol!

Everything else, I can just drip a new juice in and the old flavour is gone after maybe 5 drags.

Not had a chance to watch those videos you posted yet as im using my phone, might have a gander tonight if I get a spare half hour.

Any tips gratefully received. The idea of this thread was not to be a polished set of tutorials (as if lol) but my real experiences warts n all. The fitting of the body of the unit back on after recoiling and getting the wick caught in the threads is a good example of a balls up which others can then avoid.
Following ethelkings question I too would welcome suggestions on new wire and wick. I like thick wick (string) and viewabley thick wire too. I use VV devices so the resultant homage shouldn't be a problem right?
I was gonna try and get a triple coil on my RDA to see how much vapour it produces but I would need quite high homage coils as the more coils you add the lower the resistance I believe...

Maybe wrong but like I said....not tried it yet!

Care to find out before I try?
Ok I put 2 coils onto.my RDA at the same time, so i now have a dual coil dripper....

There is a difference! Hell of alot stronger flavour, vapour is thicker/more dense. TH is about the same...but im vaping 24mg so its hard to tell.

Could just be me thinking its better so it would be cool if others tried it and lets us know what they think.

I used 8 wraps on each coil using 0.2 gauge I think.... And I got 1.9 ohms with both coils fitted! Not bad for a first attempt
I know I'm being thick but pics would help explain to me what you've done there Joel.
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