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Hand sanitiser again ....


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 18, 2012
We have run out - a day or two ago actually.

we were gonna leave it there - we have enough.

We have had emails - oh - so many emails, saying people are still struggling to get it and can we get some more?

I’ve checked - we can - we are, should be here tomorrow or Thursday, again not interested in profit here - if ppl need it and we can get it - you can have it.

2.00 quid a pop which covers the cost and an envelope - or free if you are ordering from us and it’s over 50 quid.

limited to one per transaction so everyone gets a dib

Could use a couple. Going through quite a bit at work. Will drop you a text at a more reasonable hour.
I would be interested on behalf of my neighbour and her 5 children, plus one for my wife who thinks my homemade sanitiser preparation is the work of the devil. Thank you, I will pm you.
Alright Guys

Please use the website to order the bottles once we have them

In all honesty .. I have no time at present to be doing them all manually

I will post on this thread as soon as they arrive!
OK ..

The Hand Sanitiser exists again!

please order from the website (www.manabush.com)

again 2.00 each free over 50 quid

Our access is limited - we dont have huge amounts - please limit yourself to one per transaction.
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