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Resistance problem?

Glad it's all sorted now and your loving it.
Well done @speedfreek67

Thank you, much appreciated.

It's going to be really helpful to be able to change the cotton as often as I like when I'm trying out different diy flavours and recipes instead of using stock coils at £3 a time. Plus the flavour is in a different league.
Thank you, much appreciated.

It's going to be really helpful to be able to change the cotton as often as I like when I'm trying out different diy flavours and recipes instead of using stock coils at £3 a time. Plus the flavour is in a different league.
That's the beauty of RTAs and RBAs
That's the beauty of RTAs and RBAs

This is my first ever dual coil build. Now I'm just hoping when I close the airflow and refill the tank I don't get any leaks. With dual coil the cotton seemed a bit too much which was just what I wanted so I could give it a little comb out to get the wicking just right. Not chocked but just enough so I could get one leg of my tweezers in comfortably.
This is my first ever dual coil build. Now I'm just hoping when I close the airflow and refill the tank I don't get any leaks. With dual coil the cotton seemed a bit too much which was just what I wanted so I could give it a little comb out to get the wicking just right. Not chocked but just enough so I could get one leg of my tweezers in comfortably.
Well done @MarylinC37 , wicking can be an art in itself. Getting it just so right for different RTAs can take several attempts. Fingers crossed it doesn't leak lol.
Sure. They are fused claptons. The spec given on the packet is 2-26/36 Ni80 0.34ohm 3mm ID. They have 5 wraps and I haven't done anything to change them. I used my coily tool to cut the legs at 5mm. They are from the Coilogy selection box.

Thanks for helping.
Thanks for the specs, unfortunately I was detained, but you've got the answer. However, I have use the same Ni80 coils, you've bought. I'll admit I've never seen that much change in their resistance. Mine ohmed out at, around .14 and settled at .15-.17. Still, very glad your sorted. You love the flavour now. When you've found the kind of wrap you like most, that's the time to try some of the works of art @Smut makes. It'll be worth it.
Well done @MarylinC37 , wicking can be an art in itself. Getting it just so right for different RTAs can take several attempts. Fingers crossed it doesn't leak lol.

Yeah I watched a load of videos about building decks. There was one from a girl called Wendy Vapes on YT where she made a big point of stressing how to wick the Blotto right.

Those kind of videos are so helpful. I've been looking at ones that explain how to clean and maintain the coils and there was one about releasing the fire button a little bit before you stop inhaling to help cool the coil to prevent it cooking the remaining juice so it doesn't get gunked up and burning the cotton too quickly so I'm seeing how that works too.

Thanks for the specs, unfortunately I was detained, but you've got the answer. However, I have use the same Ni80 coils, you've bought. I'll admit I've never seen that much change in their resistance. Mine ohmed out at, around .14 and settled at .15-.17. Still, very glad your sorted. You love the flavour now. When you've found the kind of wrap you like most, that's the time to try some of the works of art @Smut makes. It'll be worth it.

No problem. Thanks for offering anyway. Certainly now that the world of DIY juice is opening up to me I can try all kinds of stuff. It's quite exciting really. I've never enjoyed vaping so much.
@ speedfreek67

Your answer was spot on. Coils bedding fine and now all wicked up and working perfectly. Resistance now reads 0.17ohm for the pair.

Thank you so so much.

Oh oh oh ~ wow wow wow. The flavour is mind blowing.
I'm glad it all worked out. :)

I've had Ni80 fused Clapton coils reading half the proper resistance before getting them glowing evenly, so it seemed a likely solution.
Yeah I watched a load of videos about building decks. There was one from a girl called Wendy Vapes on YT where she made a big point of stressing how to wick the Blotto right.

Those kind of videos are so helpful. I've been looking at ones that explain how to clean and maintain the coils and there was one about releasing the fire button a little bit before you stop inhaling to help cool the coil to prevent it cooking the remaining juice so it doesn't get gunked up and burning the cotton too quickly so I'm seeing how that works too.

No problem. Thanks for offering anyway. Certainly now that the world of DIY juice is opening up to me I can try all kinds of stuff. It's quite exciting really. I've never enjoyed vaping so much.
I've seen her before, very good.
That's a good point z out releasing the fird button before you stop chuffing.
I also draw on the vape nose and again without firing just to pull the Juice thru the wick to help saturation
I've seen her before, very good.
That's a good point z out releasing the fird button before you stop chuffing.
I also draw on the vape nose and again without firing just to pull the Juice thru the wick to help saturation

All helpful tips and ideas gratefully welcomed. :)
Here it is in all it's glory complete with 6ml bubble glass full of nectar. :)

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