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When to change coil/wire? (Rebuildables)


Mar 24, 2019
I've been using rtas now for about a week rewicking every couple of days, and just realised I dont know what signs to look for that the coil wire needs changing. Ive heard the coil wire lasts 4-6 weeks even longer in some cases but how do you know when it needs changing?

1 rta has 0.8ohm clapton it was supplied with and 1 has 1 ohm 28g kanthal diy if that makes any difference.
I dry burn my coils and give a quick brush with a small wire brush. If it comes up nice and clean I keep it.
Dry burn and rewick after every 8 - 10 mls of tobacco eliquid. I only change a coil if it becomes deformed or when it burns out.
Different people have different ideas about this. I never rewick, always just stick a new coil in. Dry burning coils might not be too safe.

But sometimes I don’t change it too often. Two weeks at times, even. Laziness.
Think I can go up to about a week, but I have more than one on the go
so I tend to go "about" a week for each tank & re-wick......

I'll try a burn and usually get away with dry burning once, maybe twice
but it gets a bit dull tasting after that - yeah often just dry burn once

Also coz I'm using 29awg Kanthal, if I take the piss & quite crappy coil
then when I pull out the old cotton the coil gets quite fucked anyway

fuck me, a bit of Kanthal is like less than a penny, so I don't mess around too much
if I pull the wick out OK & coils burns off easy I'll keep it & give it a go
any grief - fuck it I'll make a new one, about same time to burn off nicely or wind/fit a new one

The flavour starts to mute a bit say by about day 5
if I take the piss past say 10 days it is like closing the air right shut
by the time you open it up there is crud in chimney & in juice etc....
(so don't take the piss too much or more extra cleaning)

Also it depends on your juice - some clog up coils quicker than others
& how much you chain it or amount of juice you consume etc.....

but like how long is a piece of string, so the answers will vary a bit
I'd say rewick 5~7 days
I give my coils a dry burn and a brush with a small wire brush if iam to lazy to build a new one but normally change mine about every 3 - 4 weeks as for wicking i change my cotton about twice a week.
Depends on the juice how often you dry burn and rewick. Depends on the coil if you just replace it or dry burn, wouldn't want to throw fused claptons in the bin at every rewick.

I dry burn round wire coils a few times before I replace them. I rewick when I start tasting the gunk burning off my coil, it's like a mini dry hit, you'll know it when you feel it. Generally rewick once a day, but some of my current juices have me rewicking every hour, I've managed to extend that to 4-5 hours by using temp control to stop the coil getting to the temp where it burns the gunk off the coil.
Forgot to add, when dry burning, run the coil under water to get the resulting ash off of it. I usually heat and quench twice.
There some hint's for changing coil and it's wire
Gurgling sounds during vaping
Burnt taste
The juice doesn't taste the manner in which it should
e-cigarette is leaking
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