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Mr DJ's CBD trial thoughts


Apr 4, 2015

Mr DJ's CBD thoughts

Im a noob at anything CBD and know nothing about whats good or bad out there so all the thoughts below are more a trial basis than a review but i will try my best for the info to come across in the simplest terms possible.

all thoughts are my own and as always just like flavours what works for one person may not work for all.


200mg CBD free sample from a supplier who wanted to remain anonymous

500mg Lemon Tart by Dinner Lady ready to vape thanks to Eyeball Kid

1000mg Dinner Lady oral drops thanks to Eyeball Kid

1000mg CBD/CBG thanks to ReservedCBD

500mg CBD oil sample from CBDelites (sadly leaked in package so not a lot left)

CBD in the UK certainly has taken off in the last year with loads of suppliers new and old starting a CDB line at various strengths and prices.

So, why do i want to try cbd.

My medical history has been ongoing for the past 35 years. i am one of only three people in the world with every form of arthritis which has also made me blind in one eye.

Im on the strongest painkillers and immuno suppressant drugs with 6 weekly infusions to kill my immune system which is attacking my body instead of protecting it.

im still in daily pain at about 60-70% which ive grown to live with.

im also a very light sleeper due to pain and any movement during the night and im awake again.

Sadly i will not be able to stop any of my medication while i try these samples as from previous experience even stopping one or two will have a devastating effect on my walking ability.

the kit used. istick40 & subtank mini with 0.5ohm coil at 22-24watts

bottle 1 - 200mg shot+ additive.

a free sample which ive had for around 6-8 months.

i tried this when i first received it with 5 drops in tank and nothing. 10 drops in tank and nothing apart from a slight headache but that could of been due to eye flare up that day. in the end i gave up and forgot about it.

now ive received the other cbd i gave this another go. i tried 10 drops again last week and it must have gone off as the custard juice i was using tasted rank and was unvapable. bottle chucked.

bottle 2 - 500mg dinner lady ready to vape lemon tart.

Im guessing the taste is meant to be almost exactly like a normal bottle of lemon tart.

well it is and its not. the first 2 puffs yes it tastes the same but then it changes to more of a throat hit with a taste of something i cant pinpoint.

the more i vaped it the rougher it got and no its not the coil which was new. emptying and trying something else with th same coil and its a smooth vape. re filled and tried again.

After quater of a tank i gave up as i just didnt like the taste which was a shame as i do like lemon tart by dinner lady.

sadly i have had to stop for a few weeks due to mum who is 93 having a nasty argument with head verses pavement. pavement won but thankfully no fractured skull or facial bone injury just black and blue bruising. since getting checked out in casualty they now want her to go for a biopsy on her forehead as a scab that has been there at least 8 years is now classed as suspicious and the C word was mentioned. not what we wanted to hear.

im quite stressed at the moment and actually lost interest but i have to carry on.
sadly it wont be used every night so the finding will most probably be misleading as it states on most cbd that it needs to be used for a good few weeks to take full effect.

bottle 3 - 1000mg oral drops from dinner lady

This is classed as peppermint but it was quite mellow on the taste. it did have a minty taste to it but wasnt as strong as i expected.
over 2 days i tried 3 drops and 5 drops under the tongue just before bed.

3 drops had no noticeable effect but the next day i tried 5 drops and within 15-30 minutes i had a slight drowsy heavy head effect for around 30 minutes but then it cleared.

did it help with sleep, nope dont think so but will have another go when my head is in the right place.

bottle 4 1000mg from Reserved cbd

using istick40 and subtank mini with 0.5 coil i added 5 drops to a full tank of custard.

thankfully this did not change the taste of the custard so i took a few good drags and held it in. as i was concentrating on something on my computer i carried on vaping and lost track of how many times i inhaled a lungful. it must have been a good15 drags and then something strange happened and i lost concentration on what i was doing.

at the time i reported on here that it made me feel like i was off my tits. not an exaggeration but maybe not the best explanation of how i felt. it was more like a similar feeling of taking double the amount of morphine or two dehydrocodein painkillers instead of one. my head was in a happy place where i went light headed and felt relaxed.

now i have no idea if this was the cbd/cbg alone or it enhanced the meds mentioned above which i had already taken but i felt so relaxed.

i had the same sort of feeling when i started taking these meds years ago but now they help with pain but have no effect on my head.

after that i went to bed and it still took me a good hour to fall asleep but once i was out i slept like a log. usually im up once or twice for the khazy but i slept right through. when i did get up i was still a little groggy but i felt like id had my best sleep ever.

did it help the pain though, hmm, no i dont think it did as even being dosed up with lots of meds im still in a certain amount of pain but it certainly helped for a good night sleep.

ive since continued having 5-10 puffs now and again and it certainly relaxes me but does not have that first day effect of being off my tits.

it has not helped the pains as far as i can tell what so ever.

500mg CBD oil sample from CBDelites

as you can see from the picture this had leaked inside the packet. im not sure if the vile is meant to be full or not but with what was left only really enough to try twice.

im not sure what these oral drops tasted of but whatever it was i didnt like it but i carried on anyway.

5 drops under the tongue and held for around one minute then swallowed. each time it did give me a slight fluffy head feeling after around 15 minutes but this passed within around 30 minutes. it also didnt seem to help with sleep as i was up 3 times to the bog both nights.

Final Thoughts

Firstly i would like to appologise as my head has not been in the right place for a few weeks and typing this up has been a nightmare. this has been an on and off trial instead of a continuous test for each bottle.

from what i did try the one that i felt had the most effect was the 1000mg cbd/cbg from ReservedCBD

it certainly helped me to relax a lot more and defo helped with sleep but i dont think it helped with pain which in a longer trial it may well have helped.
View attachment 191491

Mr DJ's CBD thoughts

Im a noob at anything CBD and know nothing about whats good or bad out there so all the thoughts below are more a trial basis than a review but i will try my best for the info to come across in the simplest terms possible.

all thoughts are my own and as always just like flavours what works for one person may not work for all.


200mg CBD free sample from a supplier who wanted to remain anonymous

500mg Lemon Tart by Dinner Lady ready to vape thanks to Eyeball Kid

1000mg Dinner Lady oral drops thanks to Eyeball Kid

1000mg CBD/CBG thanks to ReservedCBD

500mg CBD oil sample from CBDelites (sadly leaked in package so not a lot left)

CBD in the UK certainly has taken off in the last year with loads of suppliers new and old starting a CDB line at various strengths and prices.

So, why do i want to try cbd.

My medical history has been ongoing for the past 35 years. i am one of only three people in the world with every form of arthritis which has also made me blind in one eye.

Im on the strongest painkillers and immuno suppressant drugs with 6 weekly infusions to kill my immune system which is attacking my body instead of protecting it.

im still in daily pain at about 60-70% which ive grown to live with.

im also a very light sleeper due to pain and any movement during the night and im awake again.

Sadly i will not be able to stop any of my medication while i try these samples as from previous experience even stopping one or two will have a devastating effect on my walking ability.

the kit used. istick40 & subtank mini with 0.5ohm coil at 22-24watts

bottle 1 - 200mg shot+ additive.

a free sample which ive had for around 6-8 months.

i tried this when i first received it with 5 drops in tank and nothing. 10 drops in tank and nothing apart from a slight headache but that could of been due to eye flare up that day. in the end i gave up and forgot about it.

now ive received the other cbd i gave this another go. i tried 10 drops again last week and it must have gone off as the custard juice i was using tasted rank and was unvapable. bottle chucked.

bottle 2 - 500mg dinner lady ready to vape lemon tart.

Im guessing the taste is meant to be almost exactly like a normal bottle of lemon tart.

well it is and its not. the first 2 puffs yes it tastes the same but then it changes to more of a throat hit with a taste of something i cant pinpoint.

the more i vaped it the rougher it got and no its not the coil which was new. emptying and trying something else with th same coil and its a smooth vape. re filled and tried again.

After quater of a tank i gave up as i just didnt like the taste which was a shame as i do like lemon tart by dinner lady.

sadly i have had to stop for a few weeks due to mum who is 93 having a nasty argument with head verses pavement. pavement won but thankfully no fractured skull or facial bone injury just black and blue bruising. since getting checked out in casualty they now want her to go for a biopsy on her forehead as a scab that has been there at least 8 years is now classed as suspicious and the C word was mentioned. not what we wanted to hear.

im quite stressed at the moment and actually lost interest but i have to carry on.
sadly it wont be used every night so the finding will most probably be misleading as it states on most cbd that it needs to be used for a good few weeks to take full effect.

bottle 3 - 1000mg oral drops from dinner lady

This is classed as peppermint but it was quite mellow on the taste. it did have a minty taste to it but wasnt as strong as i expected.
over 2 days i tried 3 drops and 5 drops under the tongue just before bed.

3 drops had no noticeable effect but the next day i tried 5 drops and within 15-30 minutes i had a slight drowsy heavy head effect for around 30 minutes but then it cleared.

did it help with sleep, nope dont think so but will have another go when my head is in the right place.

bottle 4 1000mg from Reserved cbd

using istick40 and subtank mini with 0.5 coil i added 5 drops to a full tank of custard.

thankfully this did not change the taste of the custard so i took a few good drags and held it in. as i was concentrating on something on my computer i carried on vaping and lost track of how many times i inhaled a lungful. it must have been a good15 drags and then something strange happened and i lost concentration on what i was doing.

at the time i reported on here that it made me feel like i was off my tits. not an exaggeration but maybe not the best explanation of how i felt. it was more like a similar feeling of taking double the amount of morphine or two dehydrocodein painkillers instead of one. my head was in a happy place where i went light headed and felt relaxed.

now i have no idea if this was the cbd/cbg alone or it enhanced the meds mentioned above which i had already taken but i felt so relaxed.

i had the same sort of feeling when i started taking these meds years ago but now they help with pain but have no effect on my head.

after that i went to bed and it still took me a good hour to fall asleep but once i was out i slept like a log. usually im up once or twice for the khazy but i slept right through. when i did get up i was still a little groggy but i felt like id had my best sleep ever.

did it help the pain though, hmm, no i dont think it did as even being dosed up with lots of meds im still in a certain amount of pain but it certainly helped for a good night sleep.

ive since continued having 5-10 puffs now and again and it certainly relaxes me but does not have that first day effect of being off my tits.

it has not helped the pains as far as i can tell what so ever.

500mg CBD oil sample from CBDelites

as you can see from the picture this had leaked inside the packet. im not sure if the vile is meant to be full or not but with what was left only really enough to try twice.

im not sure what these oral drops tasted of but whatever it was i didnt like it but i carried on anyway.

5 drops under the tongue and held for around one minute then swallowed. each time it did give me a slight fluffy head feeling after around 15 minutes but this passed within around 30 minutes. it also didnt seem to help with sleep as i was up 3 times to the bog both nights.

Final Thoughts

Firstly i would like to appologise as my head has not been in the right place for a few weeks and typing this up has been a nightmare. this has been an on and off trial instead of a continuous test for each bottle.

from what i did try the one that i felt had the most effect was the 1000mg cbd/cbg from ReservedCBD

it certainly helped me to relax a lot more and defo helped with sleep but i dont think it helped with pain which in a longer trial it may well have helped.
Hope everything works itself out for you /your mum
I still have the feeling cbd is a bit of a fad but could be totally wrong [emoji848]
Great write up @MrDJ all things considered i think you did well, hope your mum is recovering. I have my missus on CBD for her rheumatoid arthritis , hard to tell what difference if any it makes. She has been on oral drops for about 6 weeks now, 1200 mg 4 drops twice a day and i recently bought some 1000 mg vape juice from Reserved and have been adding 2 drops to her vape juice. This week she has started on Methotrexate and has been told to stop all other medication and is noticing more pain and swelling of joints, but whether that is anything to do with stopping the CBD we don't know. Always interesting to hear other peoples experiences of CBD use.
Thanks all for the wishes.
She's a tough old stick buy at 93 she is still working at my hospital and out gardening other days. I think the fall has knocked her confidence a bit but now having this worry is all we need.

Oh and methotrexate. I've been on 20mg for the past 19 years since I started the infliximab infusion. They wanted to up it to 25 but I refused as that's chemo region. and also on salphasalazine.
The methotrexate can upset stomach or cause nausia with some patients. I take Saturday and folic acid on Sunday. If I get a reaction it's settled by the Sunday night.
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Thanks for your thoughts - I'm looking into what to try so it is useful.

Best wishes to you and your mother.
Thanks. Waiting at hospital now so should be in in next ten minutes.
Hurry up 12pm as it will be all over with but then got to wait for results.
Nice write up, sorry it not helped the pain but it’s good to hear it’s nailed the relaxation side and helped with sleep, I will now take this feed back and be sending you a new bottle, I will try and add something with our blend ( another compound ) that is good for pain, maybe another compound will help, I don’t know yet, but if I can do that then that be brilliant to tick all your boxes :)
People who know CBD (which isn’t me by a long shot atm)...

What reliable studies are out there?
How is quality/dose controlled?
How do reputable vendors differentiate themselves from the herd?

For some reason I’m not comfortable with the idea of trying it in juice, I’d probably go an oral route if I decide to give it a go...which is by no means definite as I’m profoundly sceptical about it still. This is due to my lack of knowledge I admit, I just can’t help thinking there’s a large placebo element.

Ta for any thoughts.
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