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Crazy wire

Sneaking, no, of course not. I'm not claiming anything nefarious, but as with everything, differing producers of material goods have differing standards within a capitalist economy (excluding Veblen's ideas on conspicuous consumption which I don't think plays a factor in coil wire, but I don't know, maybe someone would get a braggadocious kick out of vaping coils of 24k gold or 99% silver; people *are* weird).

Crazy Wire sells inexpensive own brand nickel alloy wire with varying levels of nickel content (Ni60-90, iirc), and the idea that cheap as chips metal manufacturers have absolutely perfect standards with regards to the stated levels of metals in their alloys, with perfect smelting processes, etc. (I really don't know the complete ins and out of metallurgy, I'm spittballing here) doesn't seem in any way far fetched.

Especially given the various complaints that the company receives about sending out wire still laden with machine oil.

edit: spelling
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