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Do you wash new bottles?

Simon G

Apr 12, 2016
I've been washing out all the new bottles I'm using but I wondering if I need to?

are they generally clean in your experience or is there molding residues and stuff on them?
I don’t and I’m still alive. I tend to believe it’s not harmful. Sometimes I don’t even bother washing old ones, either.
I don’t and I’m still alive. I tend to believe it’s not harmful. Sometimes I don’t even bother washing old ones, either.


I was more worried about funky flavours coming through and ruining a mix than harming myself .... not sure what that says about me. :D
I do, same as with all new stuff that holds consumables like vape, drink and food. Whether I need to or not is immaterial, I just feel happier knowing it's as clean as can be.
thanks for the replies .... I guess what I should have asked was

.. if you don't, have you ever experienced anything 'wrong' that could be down to the fact you didn't wash them?

I can't imagine manufacturers put all their new bottles through the dishwasher before bottling up though....... which was why I started wondering if I needed to.
I think that the manufacturing process ends with washing them. In the machine that makes them, I mean.

I sometimes get the plastic bags you fill up and put in the freezer that turn into ice cubes. I don’t wash them either. Or plastic sandwich bags.
I do. Never noticed them seeming anything other than spotless beforehand: it's just for my own peace of mind.
To answer Simon G, no I have never felt ill or anything as a result.
To answer everyone else, I used to work in the polythene industry, any anything that is meant to hold food, drinks etc is supposed to be manufactured in a clean room area,
Also polythene etc is a thermo process at temperatures between 150, and 250 degrees C, so the product is sterile until it comes into contact with something else.
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