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Someone should inform his mother about what he’s done. He needs to be grounded for a week.
If it was me (assuming I found a hair in my liquid), I'd fish it out and carry on. It's very unlikely to cause any harm.

It's absolutely impossible to have 100% compliance and a vendor like Chef's can be forgiven one tiny error.
If it was me (assuming I found a hair in my liquid), I'd fish it out and carry on. It's very unlikely to cause any harm.

It's absolutely impossible to have 100% compliance and a vendor like Chef's can be forgiven one tiny error.

people are a bit weird about hairs... I made a mate of mine a sandwich a while back (who is usually fairly 'normal') and unfortunately a hair must have fallen out of my head next to the sandwich on the plate, when he saw it he acted like I'd given him a dog shit sandwich or something.... I mean it wasn't even on the sandwich.
I visited a friend in Berlin once, and she had a mental breakdown when I combed my hair in her apartment. She also made me scrub my hands with surgeons hibiscrub detergent under scalding hot water ever time we came in from the street.

I didn’t visit her again...
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