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Does my coil look even?

Vape lord

Feb 23, 2018
Hey there guys. Picked up a lot of things on coils but pulsing them is still a bit of a challenge for me. Check this out and tell me if it look like it's burning evenly. I don't know if you will be able to tell from a pic or what but I might as well give it a a go!


As long as it glowing from the inside out with no brighter orange strands of wire its ok.
Looks good to me but how's it vape? [emoji5]
Seems to vape nicely in my opinion. Only issue is i don't have much contrast. Nice vapour production even on 70pg (ordering 70vg liquid tonight) And taste is decent bearing in mind that my liquids are cheap as chips. Mainly just wanted to know whether it looked good or whether there was something wrong with it that i didn't notice! :18:
Thanks, if you try spaced coils its a lot less likey to get hotspots and in my opinion give better flavour.
Thanks, if you try spaced coils its a lot less likey to get hotspots and in my opinion give better flavour.
View attachment 154383
Yes i might try this actually. Think i'm going to let my coil stay as it is as i went through a lot of them (they are premade 0.5 ohms) because i was trying to figure out the perfect amount of leg that i had to snip off. Figured it out now so will order some new ones and get another put in and try spacing them out more! Thanks mate :)
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