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My squonk collection is growing[emoji121][emoji123], with more to come soon[emoji12]!

Still using my exceptionally worn Steamcrave Squonk mod and Snapdragon V1.5, cracking vape although the Snappy top cap gets quite warm when going for it!

Still possibly the best flavour rda ever.
Currently using a collection of squeeze' s for everyday use. A wraith, vapourflask squonk and an old yillong squonker for daily vw and the inbox and dripbox 160 for higher wattage.
Looking forward to the capo squonk and the pulse bf.
Keep those torque nuts on the top of the vf squonker tight as it has a weird earthing set up and can suffer voltage drop. I've got one that constantly requires fettling.
Torque nuts? And this is my favorite squonk mod, I was looking for one forever and I finally found a new one. So I jumped on it for 150$ I was pumped. I want a Halcyon tho badly
Still possibly the best flavour rda ever.
Currently using a collection of squeeze' s for everyday use. A wraith, vapourflask squonk and an old yillong squonker for daily vw and the inbox and dripbox 160 for higher wattage.
Looking forward to the capo squonk and the pulse bf.
Nice, I like the vapor flask a lot
Lol I know bc I've added two more squonk since this picture [emoji12]
The hex nuts on the top plate bud. Where.the screen is. The earth runs via the top plate for some reason into the body. The material the flask is made of can oxidize so keep the top plate tight and should you notice any wattage drop off remove the screws and clean the inside of the top plate and the top of the main body then 're tighten the hex screws. Sounds weird but I assure you when your tying to find why it's loosing voltage or in my case stops working at all it will drive you nuts trying to find why. Lol.
The hex nuts on the top plate bud. Where.the screen is. The earth runs via the top plate for some reason into the body. The material the flask is made of can oxidize so keep the top plate tight and should you notice any wattage drop off remove the screws and clean the inside of the top plate and the top of the main body then 're tighten the hex screws. Sounds weird but I assure you when your tying to find why it's loosing voltage or in my case stops working at all it will drive you nuts trying to find why. Lol.
Okay thanks man I will do that then, I appreciate the help. It's good to know things like that
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