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Vape bands have arrived [emoji2][emoji2]
Logo on one side, name on other side
ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1453731833.475995.jpg
They look excellent, will have to get some with my next order. Received my pack today, thank you. The bottles are excellent.

All 10 flavours have been added to the selection packs. You can mix and match if you send me an email beforehand.
First order placed with you @diva - looking forward to trying the eve's seduction - haven't been able to find any reviews of it but the flavour sounds intriguing!!
I have tried a lot of different liquids and for me the best so far are all from @diva. Waterfelon, morpheus choice and mammas are just delicious, I always have a stash of those in my shell.
Note of thanks, @diva, for sorting out my stuffed order so quickly and professionally. I am a pillock. You are a diamond.
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