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EU Nicotine users survey


Apr 4, 2015
Here -

According to the New Nicotine Alliance (NNA) -
Quote:Please participate in this exciting new survey on nicotine use in Europe. This is no ordinary questionnaire, it has been designed by nicotine consumers, for nicotine consumers, and consumers have translated it into eleven languages.

We are asking for your help in making this the biggest survey of its kind. These are uncertain times for nicotine consumers in Europe. For EU countries, the TPD is currently being evaluated and the European Commission is looking at the possibility of including safer nicotine products in the tobacco excise directive. Here, in the UK, Brexit is giving us an opportunity to diverge from the TPD restrictions. How do you use nicotine products? How do the current regulations affect you? What changes would you like to see? This survey will be crucial, in the UK and the rest of Europe, for examining how consumers use nicotine products and what regulatory changes would benefit smokers who may wish to quit.

The survey has been organised by European Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (ETHRA), a consortium of tobacco harm reduction consumer groups. NNA has been very proud to partner with ETHRA since its inception, to add the UK consumer voice to that of 21 other European consumer groups.

Please take just 5 minutes to do the questionnaire yourself and then help us to get a ton of responses, by sharing it on social media.

Link to the survey: https://euronicotinesurvey.urlweb.pro/s/index.php?a=JTk2cSU5QWolOTglQUU=&id=JTk3ciU5N2glOUQlQUQ=
If this promotes at least the minimun chance of changing the nicotine format (20mg / 10ml) hell yes.

In fact is one of the topics on the survey.
Designed by nicotine consumers?

Who've never considered that vapers might DIY their own juice?
filled it in, but couldn’t answer some of the questions accurately as there were no diy answers.
filled it in, but couldn’t answer some of the questions accurately as there were no diy answers.
It makes me think that those of us who DIY are an even smaller minority of the vaping community than I had previously imagined ... basically not even worth consideration.

It was interesting to pause for thought when they asked the "what would you do differently if the shit hit the fan" type question ... but reassuring to think (on a personal level) that I don't need to do anything differently.
It makes me think that those of us who DIY are an even smaller minority of the vaping community than I had previously imagined ... basically not even worth consideration.

It was interesting to pause for thought when they asked the "what would you do differently if the shit hit the fan" type question ... but reassuring to think (on a personal level) that I don't need to do anything differently.

aye, it made me realise i should stock up on some supplies as well.
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