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Weird feeling in throat days after vaping


New Member
Sep 6, 2020
Ever since trying a vape 6 days ago I’ve had a cool feeling in my throat everytime I breath in. I haven’t had anything since and the feeling has not gone away. I also keep having the feeling to clear my throat but clearing it doesn’t do anything. Anyone had anything similar?
Did said vape have nicotine in the juice? Was it high PG or higher VG? What were you vaping on? Are you a smoker or ex-smoker? (or neither).
cool feeling? I guess the liquid your vaping has any kind of coolness (coolada or cold molecule). If its that, its normal...
Hello @Joerocks999 and welcome to POTV :)

I can only reaffirm the comments above by Lung Redemption and OzoreXS.

So if you can let us know about the eliquid flavour, nicotine strength and PG/VG content from the bottle label and if you smoked - How many cigs a day.

The info would help us make a more informed response.

Weird stuff can happen when you first quit smoking.
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