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Seriously dude. Hang around and get used to the place. We are pretty friendly if a little sarcastic.

You will find that things go off topic quite a bit and there is a huge amount of piss taking but it is worth it.

Not sure why the other thread deteriorated so quickly but it looked like you were taking things in your stride and then suddenly got offended.

It is a good place if you give it time. I am drunk and am trying to convince a total stranger to hang around. You don’t get that everywhere.

Hi @Dave01uk congratulations on giving up the nasties mate! Not an easy thing to do, but thank god it seems easier with what's available now. I am fairly new to vaping and refered to myself as an aged cloud chaser too :) .

Just to iterate what your namesake elegantly put, if you feel like it stick around. This unruly shrewdness are actually a helpful and supportive bunch. There must have been something in the air this weekend, as things acted like tinder online here and elsewhere :)
Take it easy...
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