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New member and new vapor

You might want to check how long you've been vaping m'dear. Opening post says 1 yr but

this says 4 yrs & you're constantly plugging this particular pod in every post you make. If you have any connection at least be upfront & honest about it.
Oh & welcome :hmm:

oh dear :confused::confused: rumbled


well said :D:D
You might want to check how long you've been vaping m'dear. Opening post says 1 yr but

this says 4 yrs & you're constantly plugging this particular pod in every post you make. If you have any connection at least be upfront & honest about it.
Oh & welcome :hmm:
Bro, I used to juul, lostvape, relx, etc. But I am using moti now, so I recommend this pod to others, I don''t know how to use a forum and this is my first forum, I want to find more frinds on here :)
I became a vapor only one year, I used to smoke and in my last days of smoking I averaged 1 pack a day. I started to vape last year and I love vaping now, hopefully I can make more vaping friends in this group.
Welcome sophiegalaxy. ELTIEN
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