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What kind of electronic cigarette device do you want next?

A sub ohm Nautilus 2 with 0.2 coils and dual airflow! The flavour mental of the two now.... if it was that bit more powerful they would be an even bigger smile on my face ...

Van Dyke Vapes owns all rights to this idea if this comes into production I will take 25% off all profits.
How about a "true" Mouth to lung RTA. There are none on the market under $50 usd. Adjustable airflow and juice flow control. With a nano kit. 2ml for TPD standards and at least 4ml in the full size.
The clone market is covering those needs now for mtl Rtas. Most people don't want to spend $150 for one tank.
It would be nice to have a quality "authentic" product in that price range where you can get upgrades, spare parts, nano kits, ect.
Upgrade the Plato. It was a good idea and a great start but nothing really happened to the Plato. It needed temp control for SS, and there was never an RBA for it. Bump it up to 75w as well. Better filling and draining the tank method needed. With the BVC coils and an RBA it would be great.
A 30mm wide bottom fed RDTA that fills the tank not the deck and with at least 10ml juice capacity, fully adjustable bottom and/or middle airflow control and multiple drip tip adapters.
Thank you for the kind suggestion.All the suggestion has been passed to our products development department
A new product from aspire will be released here soon.
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