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Weekend sale. - 15 % for flavours


Jul 30, 2014
We celebrate Inawera birthday!
On this occasion, only this weekend you can buy our flavours with a special birthday discount.
All you need is to make use of the code: HB and gain 15 % off!
The sale takes place on Saturday and Sunday and is valid only for individual customers.

Rules of Sale „INAWERA'S BIRTH 2016"
1. The Organiser of the promotion is Droper Company, Gabriela Waligórska, Turka, ul. Jeżynowa 11, 20-258 Lublin (called later Organiser).
2. Promotional sale will take place on 3th – 4th December 2016.
3. The customers using promotion will get a discount of 15% for Inawera's flavours.
4. To make use of the promotion you should write the discount code: HB in the field „If you have a discount coupon write its code" and press CONTINUE. Then the discount will be added.
5. The promotion concerns products available in INAWERA.COM shop, apart from the products comprised in the others promotions. Promotions are not cumulables.
6. The wholesale customers and testers cannot make use of the promotion.
7. The orders which violate the above rules may be annulated by Organiser.
8. In the matters not comprised by the present rules the laws of Civil Code are used. All the disputes and claims connected with the Promotion will be settled by the appriopriate court.
9. Making use of promotion the participant confirms that he agrees with the rules of promotion.
10. The Organiser reserves for himself the right to make any changes during promotion.
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