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Reviews section - update

I read this with interest

and I will throw a category in that will help me and other makers

I have to send items to get reviewed as a maker it cost me dearly in time and money after all the cost of making is taken out

as a maker, I have to send stuff for free to reviewers so I can gain business it is a vicious circle

what would help me and other modmakers on potv is a review section not just for us members but any bespoke small maker of stands cases mods etc that are small one-man bands that make one-off items?

its just a suggestion but I see the little guys are the next major players (I'm not blowing my own trumpet here) but I do see small outfits like tippymodz, abstract etc making small mods that the big boys start to copy but those small makers get no credit
Can you separate mods into plastic box bollocks for the kids and stab/metal that the grownups might like?
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