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'The Best Anti-Smoking Ad Ever.' A repost from fb.

I'll put a damper on that advertising campaign in two words, Linda McAvan

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
Typical manipulative, guilt tripping fare of the anti smoking lobby... exploiting children for the purposes of emotional blackmail.

Nobody wants kids to start smoking but given the saturation of anti smoking propaganda in the media and even just within society in general, it's hard to believe that any kid who does take up smoking these days isn't aware of the risks involved. Instead of spending money on ads that try to guilt trip existing smokers into the 'normal' route of NRT smoking cessation, 'they' might be better concentrating their efforts on educating the wider population (kids and existing smokers included) on the differences between smoking and vaping. That would probably have more of a long term health benefit than the '15 minutes of fame' this ad provides.
Honestly, steffijade, I'm not sure why it makes you so cross. Smoking IS really harmful, right? And you WOULD be horrified if a little kiddy came and asked you for a light. I don't see these ads as anti-vaping in any way.
Citrus I would agree with steffijade in describing it as "typical guilt tripping fare..." and also your "horrified if a little kiddie..." but also steffi saying they'd do better educating people that vaping isn't smoking.But....But,we have to get the fecking medical profession/agencies/MEP's/MP's to understand it first,BEFORE the general public so that we can then get the message out to smokers that THERE is a way to continue using nicotine/having a ciggy sensation in their hands that WON'T kill them,only the bastards that manufacture tobacco products will start to die when people finally can cease ploughing a large chunk of their income into tobacco purchase/taxation.

I gave a lift to an elderly woman today,as we were heading into town she asked "what is that your smoking?" meaning my Vamo/Afro-Dizziac juice filling the air in the car with the pong of aniseed.I explained it wasn't smoking,that it was a harmless nicotine delivery system etc & she explained she'd quit smoking as her Dr had told her to to improve her health.Despite my correcting her description of my kit as smoking gear,throughout the entire journey she still referred to it as smoke/smoking,though did agree that it didn't smell like smoke.I even quickly stripped the attie down(we were stuck in traffic)and demonstrated that there was no flame,only a little coil producing vapour(in large quantities I might add)yet that word seemed the only thing she could understand..I was SMOKING. :(
Honestly, @steffijade, I'm not sure why it makes you so cross. Smoking IS really harmful, right? And you WOULD be horrified if a little kiddy came and asked you for a light. I don't see these ads as anti-vaping in any way.

What makes me angry are the tactics employed.. guilt tripping and exploiting children.

I didn't say the ad was anti vaping, but it might be worth bearing in mind that these sort of tactics could well be brought to bear on vaping in the coming few years.

The anti smoking lobby has long since passed the requirements to educate the public as to the risks of smoking and pushed on to the demonisation of smokers and denormalisation of smoking. They quite openly admit that they will use whatever tactics they deem necessary in their crusade against smoking.

Now the anti smoking lobby has found a new adversary in vaping. They need to fight vaping for the plain and simple reason that if they don't, their position becomes largely redundant.

Whilst it might seem harmless to accept these ads as being worthy and acceptable now, I wonder how vapers would feel if they were placed under the anti smoking lobby's microscope and exposed to the same vilification as smokers have had to suffer in recent years?
@Citrus with respect, you don't know me well enough to know if I would be 'HORRIFIED' by such a situation and in fact, I'm old enough to remember a time when smoking wasn't denormalised and have actually had similar situations happen to me in the past. I've had kids asking me for cigarettes, for lights, to buy them cigs or booze. Admittedly, they maybe weren't as young as the kids in the ad and I declined to do so when asked, but how often do you think a situation like that in the ad happens in real world situations these days? When was the last time that a kid as young as those used in the ads asked you for a light, if ever?

It's this kind of manipulation, emotional blackmail, demonisation and vilification that lies in wait for vapers from the anti smoking lobby if they don't feel they're getting their way in the next few years. Why do you think they're clinging to their gateway theory as one of their main arguments for wanting to hamstring us and bring us under their umbrella of control and influence?
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