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Reminder To Remove Atties From Mods When Flying

Had a similar incident going to morocco a couple of years ago. I was using an aspire k4 mod which has a hair trigger... it got turned on jostling about in pocket and then started firing, cue me walking through the airport with plumes of vapour coming from my pants! Completely burned out the aspire Atlantis coil I was using at the time. Needless to say I don't use that mod whilst I'm out and about anymore.
Lucky escape, especially where you were.
Mind you as I have said in other threads on this subject, for my job I was a very frequent flyer, and have never had any problems.
No mod firing in my pocket, even though turned on, no leaks from tanks half full of juice, nothing.
The only time I had an issue was in a pub in the UK a couple of years ago when I leant on the bar, and it pushed the fire button on my mod, only noticed because of the horrible smell as the coil burnt out....................
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