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WTF? How E-Cigarettes Lead To Heroin

Ha ha!
I must say tho I am one of the resistance , and stick to my woolly back heritage, however sh*t the town may be.

Ive noticed recently tho that more and more people are saying to me that I talk with a Lancashire twang. Think it's an unconscious form of rebellion as I'm surrounded in work by scousers :D
Well by the bloody hell!
Small world. Windle / Eccleston lass meself. how did you end up in Wales?
Friends of mine moved here in the mid 80s, I visited and fell in love with the place, moved down here for a few years, moved back home to look after my mum when she fell ill, then moved back here when she died 6 years back.

Definitely well settled here, can't see myself moving again, unless I win the lottery, then I'll get a bigger house, but still in this area.
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