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My reply from m.ps on the ban of e-cigs

The thing that really REALLY pisses me off about this ban is the fact that most if not all of us that won't be able to get hold of the supply will revert back I smoking cigs I know I will and something that's aiding is quit they want to stick in pharmacies and more than likely tax the shit out of it!
Reducing the nic content to 4mg will only open up a black market. Thats when people will start getting hurt.
Reading the replies from mps is rather worrying if you ask me, sounds like the decision has already been made :(

What I find very interesting is the amount you hear people saying that if/when this ban/extreme bullshit reduction in nic lvl juice and devices comes into place they will have to revert back to smoking regular
That statement for me completely destroys any justification the government claim on for the ban. They are going to class them as yet another over the counter NRT product despite the fact they wont work.
Its ridiculous what this government are getting away with, but thats the problem they are getting away with it because the country wont stand up and fight.
Sorry rant over :) Im not usually one to complain but I am sick of being miss treated by the very people that should be there to protect us.
I'm still an analogue smoker, but perversely I would probably vape far more if the government/EU were to restrict it, just to shove two fingers up at them!
Well it looks like its going to be a done deal regarding the nicotine. So with that in mind I have decided to do 2 things.

First of all I have just ran out of my favourite vape, & mixed up some more, but decided to reduce my nic from 18mg to 14 mg. Depending on how I get on I intend to eventually reduce it to Zero.
Secondly I have decided to buy a 50ml bottle of PG Nicotine every week & stick it in the freezer, seeing as (from what I cant tell) it has a shelf life of about 10 years.

Edit. & if I do manage to get my nic to zero, when the ban kicks in I will have a bucket load of nic to sell on at for exorbitant prices :P
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Those replies look very similar to letters I've received from my local Mp about other matters. Always patronising and not at all interested in representing your concerns. When did govt. cease being representatives of the constituency? It just makes me sick to the bottom of my stomach.
Well it looks like its going to be a done deal regarding the nicotine. So with that in mind I have decided to do 2 things.

First of all I have just ran out of my favourite vape, & mixed up some more, but decided to reduce my nic from 18mg to 14 mg. Depending on how I get on I intend to eventually reduce it to Zero.
Secondly I have decided to buy a 50ml bottle of PG Nicotine every week & stick it in the freezer, seeing as (from what I cant tell) it has a shelf life of about 10 years.

Edit. & if I do manage to get my nic to zero, when the ban kicks in I will have a bucket load of nic to sell on at for exorbitant prices :P
Vaping at zero nic is really frustrating, I got no pleasure or satisfaction from it at all.
I have gone from 24 to 18 and then straight to 5 & 6mg, both 5&6 mg are the same juices I vaped at 18mg. While I have dropped down by 18mg in total, I tried zero mg in the same juices, and boy oh boy there is no way I could do it, even at the 5mg juice there is still a reasonable/noticeable TH but nothing at all at zero it's just like inhaling warm air no pleasure at all.

I have bought 2 litres of 50mg nic and at 5ml a day at 5mg strength it should last me 11 years (if my maths is correct) and hopefully I can still buy my juices in zero nic bottles, thats if the nic is still effective after 11 years I doubt it, but even if it loses 50% of its potency I intend to buy another 2 litres before or if a ban/restriction comes in and just double the dose to make up for loss in strength.
Thanks, I'm guessing it would be. But I shall try & see how I get on. I cant afford 2 litres of nic (I dread to think how much that costs) so I'll just have to buy a small bottle each week. I've never got any money!
The Nic cost me about €223 (£192) with postage.
Just the cost of 24 packs of fags or 16 days smoking.
Not too bad when you work it out that way.
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