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Liquid manufacturers, pods, nicotine levels etc ...

Simon G

Apr 12, 2016
I was talking to a shop manager earlier, who tells me that sales of 18mg (or 20mg) liquids have over tripled in sales over the last month.... because of all the new pod systems and compact devices.

... but the biggest growth in e-liquid products to market over the last 6 months have been in 50 - 100ml short fills to make 3mg.

I can't help but think that if the trend for compact/pod systems continues much of the e-liquid market will be totally out of touch with the device market.

Will the liquid companies that only go to 6mg start to struggle?

Will short fill only companies be ok if people start to drift back to using higher nicotine and consuming less e-liquid?

I wonder how this will pan out towards the end of the year if things carry on as they are now?

There will always be a need for a whole range of nic levels and VG ratios, but I can't help but wonder if there's going to be some imbalance in the coming months .... and some brands will start to struggle and some others will start to flourish because of current vaping trends.

What do the intelligentsia of POTV think?
From a vendor that has a website and 2 high street stores, my views are spread.

Our ratio is 60VG/40PG and the highest we do is 12mg.

The shops are solely 3mg-6mg sales.
The 12mg just sit on shelves.

The website has seen a huge spike in the 12mg sales though.

So maybe there is truth in the higher levels getting more popular due to pod systems.

We cover most bases thankfully
It may be the case that the cyclical nature of vaping trends that has been apparent over the last few years is finally settling as people find their niche. Speaking for myself, I have a range of devices and a commensurate range of juices, from 0mg to 18mg, although I mainly stick from 6-12 mg. Maybe what we need is the opinions of vendors who tend to work at opposite ends of the spectrum, for example @ZT or @REJUICED (for a sub-ohm perspective)
What do the intelligentsia of POTV think?

Do we have an intelligentsia? :hmm:

Will the liquid companies that only go to 6mg start to struggle?

I think that market gets more saturated by the day, and that some of them are already feeling it. I don't expect many of the less established companies to survive long-term.

I'm starting to feel like the POTV Voice Of Doom :19:
It may be the case that the cyclical nature of vaping trends that has been apparent over the last few years is finally settling as people find their niche. Speaking for myself, I have a range of devices and a commensurate range of juices, from 0mg to 18mg, although I mainly stick from 6-12 mg. Maybe what we need is the opinions of vendors who tend to work at opposite ends of the spectrum, for example @ZT or @REJUICED (for a sub-ohm perspective)

I think ZT has always said that they sell plenty of Manabush in the higher nic levels, which isn't surprising really as I think it's part of the DNA of Manabush and why a lot of us go there.

I guess what has made me think about this is that a year ago I started a thread because it was proving hard to find higher nicotine liquids, especially in B&M's.... I'm wondering if that will still be the case in 6 months if people keep buying and companies keep pushing smaller pod-like devices and they prove to continue to be popular. B&Ms will have to drop some shortfills and make some space for higher nic stuff.
Do we have an intelligentsia? :hmm:

I think that market gets more saturated by the day, and that some of them are already feeling it. I don't expect many of the less established companies to survive long-term.

I'm starting to feel like the POTV Voice Of Doom :19:

It just strikes me as a bit strange when I get sent 10 new brands to write copy for and 5 of them are new pod/portable/low power devices and the other 5 are new short-fills.

that's really odd to me but maybe there's a reason for that.
The short fill market was a godsend for B+Ms.

I was in a shop a couple of years ago and the owner said that he was stocking 72 varieties of just one range of 6 juices - 10ml and 30ml, 3, 6, and 12mg, 50/50 and 70/30.

The shop was around 30 feet long and the whole wall behind him was covered in juices, so I think shops will certainly be pushing the sub-ohm and short fill markets.

The downside is that it's led to an explosion of new products and they must be struggling to keep up with current trends.
I think ZT has always said that they sell plenty of Manabush in the higher nic levels, which isn't surprising really as I think it's part of the DNA of Manabush and why a lot of us go there.

I guess what has made me think about this is that a year ago I started a thread because it was proving hard to find higher nicotine liquids, especially in B&M's.... I'm wondering if that will still be the case in 6 months if people keep buying and companies keep pushing smaller pod-like devices and they prove to continue to be popular. B&Ms will have to drop some shortfills and make some space for higher nic stuff.
Sorry, I meant Manabush for the higher nic levels, I know ZT has always claimed it is better For MTL.
I think B&Ms will always have an element of “Clouds Bro” in the same way that vape events will, people have an innate love of showing off. But supply will meet demand, and in the same way that vaping as a whole took off and squonking took off, MTL is making a comeback, and in a years time something else will come along. But with each turn of the wheel, more established vapers are finding what they like and sticking to it, or returning to it. I include myself in the second group, I was thoroughly swept away by sub-ohm vaping, then squonking before returning to my beloved KFL’s. Not that I don't use a BF anymore, or fire up a 200w and some Claptons when I fancy it. S’all Good
Pods or some equally simple systems are inevitably going to become the way most vapers are going to get their nicotine, imo.

200w starter kits never made any sense for getting off the fags and their days are numbered, as a first mod.

If you start on a juul and it works for you, why would you move on to a big box with a tank that can leak or burn coils if you do not do things right? Folk on here are refilling pods but most will just buy the pods and use them once as intended. As long as it is cheaper than smoking and works then that is what most folk will stick with and they will buy the official pods by that maker.

Some folk will not like the idea of disposable single use pods but their increasing popularity will make the higher nic, lower juice consumption more popular and will feed into the revival in interest in lower power higher nic vaping.

The baccy companies will buy the best of the pod systems or develop their own. In the longer term they will have a large percentage of vapers back as regular customers.

This is the endgame and it will put all sorts of vape businesses under. Juice companies and hardware makers and vendors and dare I say it vape forums. Most folk will be buying their vape device and their refills at the supermarket where they buy their groceries.

I have no doubt that there are enough hardcore followers for various styles of vaping from yesteryear that there will be small niche markets for the cloud chasers, coil builders, diy juice makers, mech users, sqonkers etc but we are probably at or near peak on most of these things, the market will soon be moving on as we move to simpler systems that just work and many companies currently supplying us will have to move on or go under.

So yes @Simon G the move to pods will leave some juice makers out in the cold, but that is a tiny part of the effect the move to pods will have.
Couldn't agree more, Our 18mg sales have definitely seen a spike in the last 6 months.
We were actually very close to dropping them completely last year.

I think it's also a case of more and more smokers are making the switch than ever.

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