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Vaping Bogan

Google vapoureyes

In context, I don't really see the issue either, the white powder image is for a liquid called Sir Herbert, a sherbet flavoured liquid. It looks like a spoonful of sherbet or icing sugar to me.

Tazz this is utter tabloid nonsense
In context, I don't really see the issue either, the white powder image is for a liquid called Sir Herbert, a sherbet flavoured liquid. It looks like a spoonful of sherbet or icing sugar to me.

Sorry Tazz but this is utter tabloid nonsense
Yeah they seem to come up quicker on the NZ site than the AU site, where they are buried deep.
Actually, while taking pictures out of context can make it look bad, it's actually not like that. In a list of dozens of pages of flavourings and concentrates, all of which have pictures, it's just not an issue unless you want to make it one.

Nope this is being blown up out of all proportion in my opinion, the images are innocent enough in context.

Menthol crystals look like that. They do.

Is the white one in the spoon perhaps sweetener?

And as for Heisenberg, the clue is somewhat in the name for that one anyway.

And to blame Sam for these images, in amongst 1000 other flavourings, is going a bit too far, it's no wonder he flips the bird!

I mean, it looks like heroin!! It looks like pills!! Think of the children!!View attachment 193859View attachment 193860
Get real.
And here are pictures of actual drugs. Tell me the people in authority wont look at irresponsible Vapoureyes images and associate thos pictures with drugs. You can sugar coat them all you like, but at times mate I reckon you just like going opposite for the sport of trying to win an argument and making another look alarmist, it is a bit of a pattern with you at times.
My post was not about taking things out of context, its about reality. And when you live in a place like here and know it, not you sitting in the comfort of your chair on the other side of the world having a bit of sport counter arguing. When your here in the place where vaping is being restricted and looked at like an illegal drug of dependence, online sales bans closing businesses then the last thing needed is people using imagery that looks like damn drugs. Regardless of comments like "ooh think of the children". Hilarious mate. Find some more counters mate to make me look alarmist, perhaps some little pictures of unicorns and teddy bears!? You dont live here and know anything about how it is nor how its viewed. Google away.
Blue Ice.
images (36).jpg

They'll always associate powder on a spoon with this.
Get real.

And here are pictures of actual drugs. Tell me the people in authority wont look at irresponsible Vapoureyes images and associate thos pictures with drugs. You can sugar coat them all you like, but at times mate I reckon you just like going opposite for the sport of trying to win an argument and making another look alarmist, it is a bit of a pattern with you at times.
My post was not about taking things out of context, its about reality. And when you live in a place like here and know it, not you sitting in the comfort of your chair on the other side of the world having a bit of sport counter arguing. When your here in the place where vaping is being restricted and looked at like an illegal drug of dependence, online sales bans closing businesses then the last thing needed is people using imagery that looks like damn drugs. Regardless of comments like "ooh think of the children". Hilarious mate. Find some more counters mate to make me look alarmist, perhaps some little pictures of unicorns and teddy bears!? You dont live here and know anything about how it is nor how its viewed. Google away.
Blue Ice.
View attachment 193888
They'll always associate powder on a spoon with this.
View attachment 193890

Well if you stick a syringe next to it, you change the context.

But without the syringe, it's just a spoon of white powder. And on the site it *clearly* says it's sherbet flavouring. There is absolutely no association with drug use. So only someone who is really reaching could take it otherwise.

I'm sorry, but it's utter nonsense. Always associate white powder on a spoon with drug use, my ass.

Perhaps the cooking website below is promoting drug use too... are you lot down under outraged by this too?

@Tazz, I know you are a good bloke, so please don't take my posts the wrong way.

The problem is not with the vapoureyes website or Bogan, those images are used for flavourings all over the world.

Heisenberg is named after a character in a TV show where, yes, they made drugs, and the image reflects that. Invented by Vampire Vape in the UK. Sold all over the world.

Bogan is not responsible for those images.

The problem is with your government and media being in the pocket of tobacco companies, and appealing to the more puritanical majority there.

But as I say, vape flavourings everywhere are sold using similar images, so don't go blaming your most prolific vaping advocate for them.

@Tazz, I know you are a good bloke, so please don't take my posts the wrong way.

The problem is not with the vapoureyes website or Bogan, those images are used for flavourings all over the world.

Heisenberg is named after a character in a TV show where, yes, they made drugs, and the image reflects that. Invented by Vampire Vape in the UK. Sold all over the world.

Bogan is not responsible for those images.

The problem is with your government and media being in the pocket of tobacco companies, and appealing to the more puritanical majority there.

But as I say, vape flavourings everywhere are sold using similar images, so don't go blaming your most prolific vaping advocate for them.

You just dont get it mate. Its not how "you" see them, its how those in authority see them. If we treat this as a game of cards mate, you will win every time and make me look like as you said that person who cries "oh think of the children". You will be able to find 100 cookie pics for every drug like one I can every time. Here when dealing with the men in suit's wisdom dicatates you know your opponent, what and how he thinks, not what you think, what he thinks and how he is likely to view things. When taking on an opponent you gotta sometimes see things through his eyes. Dont you get it, what I've been trying to show? It's not about what you see them as. But ah forget it. You win.
Apart from anything else ........ I'd really like to see someone draw a powder up a syringe from a spoon .......... ;)

... and I think the blue pic is actually blue candy sugar crystals. I understand the concerns, but I do think this is taking the scare tactiics too far.
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Actually I think I do get it. I just don't agree. But that doesn't mean I'm right, or at least I don't think I'm making the argument you think I am.

You are right. You are right about knowing how the enemy thinks. You are right that, where you are, people will seize that image and try to use it to discredit vaping. You are right to be concerned about that.

My point is two-fold.

Firstly, as I said, those images aren't Bogans fault, as they (or very similar ones) are used the world over. So if this thread is a "what do we think about Bogan" discussion, I don't think it's fair to single Sam out as somehow being irresponsible for using them, if indeed he chose them anyway, as a lot of sites use similar images. In fact, I have in my hand right now a bottle of Vampire Vapes original Heisenberg concentrate, that I bought in the UK a couple of years ago, and the label has a picture of blue crystals on it - it's *the* image that represents Heisenberg.

But in the context of vaping advocacy down under, it's a question of whether you give in to the arbiters of perceived moral decency and avoid anything that they can use against you, or try to change people's views (especially those on powerful positions) so they don't fall for such alarmist tactics.

Showing a politician a picture of a spoon with white powder, and claiming it is promoting vaping like drugs, is of course a bad thing, if they fall for it. So show them the spoon of sherbert, labelled as such, and couch it in a different way. Don't give in, fight back!

I understand how bad the vaping scene is in Australia, I assure you. I just don't think you can blame Sam for using the standard image for Heisenberg, or a spoon of sherbert. It's standard practice.

Bogan is one of the most prolific vaping advocates in the scene, and he's actually a really nice guy. He doesn't deserve to be labelled as irresponsible for using standard images. Your politicians need to be labelled as fools if they fall for such tactics.

Perhaps I am too much of an idealist. You are probably totally right about the images, in the context of Australia. But I wouldn't blame the Bogan.
By the way, @Tazz , I do get it. We're sitting in the UK with nothing worse than the TPD restrictions. We don't have the issues you do in Oz, so I can understand your frustration.

What I don't believe is that this is Bogan's fault. Love him or hate him, he does actually promote safety and is not responsible for industry standard images used for flavouring. IMHO. :)

Surely most people see this more often?

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