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Maxed out vapor

Can't understand how some people (Daves) can keep coming back winding us up after being constantly corrected/berrated/put straight/taken the piss out of /ad nauseum.. Everything short of being told to Fuck Off and blow your face off somewhere else..

These Daves are a fucking persistent bunch hey ;)
Seems to be a past time from vapers accross the pond.
I spent a couple of days reading back through posts from the first year of POTV then spent months looking at an elephant on my screen everytime i logged in.
Curiosity got the better of me one day so i asked what went on.
Virtually no information was offered and i bet if asked to this day the subject will be dismissed as still too raw to discuss.

From what i could gather I think POTV got invaded by Yanks.
Think vapemestoopid (kulrmestoopid ex mod and creator of the what did your postie bring you thread) copped the brunt of it.
Many posts and threads deleted (and suspect this one will be if this line of conversation continues) so its hard to figure it out exactly what went down.

I suspect if we were invaded by a tag team made up of a few dahuts having a bad day, a few daves, half a dozen jackvapes, sprinkled with a bit of borderman, all accompanied by couple of I am so piss off's it would be in comparison a quiet day at the planet compared to what ever that was that went on way back then.
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