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Are Novas and Lavatubes meant to get along?

The centre pin on the 510 connection on genuine Vivi tanks is adjustable, gently, with a small screwdriver. If it is not slightly proud of the surrounding metal (1 mm is fine) you may not be getting proper contact. These can move if you screw the tank on too tightly.

On older LTs (the ones without the sloping shoulders) airflow can be a problem with some tanks (not just Vivi Novas) and a plinth with adapter may help.
I use 510 to 510 adapters on virtually all my devices (the only exceptions are bottom feeders).

Constantly screwing and unscrewing atties/cartos/clearos stresses the rubber insert that surronds the centre pin and insulates the pos from the neg. Using the adapters means that if anything gets stressed, it's more likely to be the rubber insert in the adapter. It's cheaper to replace an adapter that cost a couple of quid than having to send off an expensive device for repair.

Also, if you happen to drop your device whilst being a pished up biatch (ahem), it's better to knacker the threads on the adapter than the device. ;)
Even with the version with the sloping shoulders, there is restricted air flow from the vents being on the connecting post of the Nova...like I said in previous post, it's working now after swapping for a higher resistance atty and I've succumbed to the idea of having the adapter as a permanent fixture on my Lavatube.
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