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Lea & Perrins - The Original Worcestershire Sauce

Pah, I would never think to defile the gloriousness that is hendersons relish - though I wonder if it can be done :)
Dave is crap though all burn no flavour. I have a capsicum extract on the way soon that should be fun.
lea &perrins on cornflakes

It would be a strange one to vape... and I think you'd have to lessen the intensity of the flavour but honestly... I've even thought about putting that stuff on my cornflakes.

And mind you, someone did just mention Marmite on here, that's on par... or close :p

crush the cornflakes,add a dash or two of the lea &perrins, dip your chicken pieces in buttermilk,then some ap flour and black pepper, then brush them with a bit more butter milk, roll them on the cornflake /lea n perrins, fry in HOT cast iron skillet,in butter and a bit of either wesson oil, or canola oil.. bon apetit
Never heard of this Hendersons Sauce, is it on a par with Mrs Balls Peach Chutney though?
Thats like comparing ketchup with pickle.Henderson's relish us great for steps and gravy etc
I know a few Sith Ifrikans that'd disagree with you! Mrs Balls is a perennial ingredient for Potjikos (sp?), a way of cooking stews in a cast iron pot over a fire/coals.
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