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Stainless steel coils, wicking and Tc

I never mess around with the watts, I run mine at 30w TC and I vape in wattage at around 10w, you want enough power to reach the temp you have it set at or it's kind of pointless as if you take a short pull it won't even get there, you you'll essentially be vaping in wattage.

that's 195 - 220 C right?

Woof! Bumped it up to 30watts and it's pretty cloudy. A little bit better flavour wise. Maybe i just need to chill out a bit and run a few tanks through. See if the cotton beds in.
I set mines on my yihi chip to 18 watts / jules and 425 degrees fareheit which is 220 degrees celsius.

The benefit of TC for me is that I can take longer mtl draws.. so if you can't do that it defeats the object of using TC


I use set watts around 50% more than power mode. You want it hitting set temp as quick as & then the mod should hold it at temp . If powers too low it's going to struggle to get to temp let alone maintain it.
That may be too warm a vape for me. I do like a bit of a cooler vape

agreed I don't vape anywhere near 220c ... a cool mtl vape for me is around 320-340 F ... which according to google is around 170c ... power setting shouldn't matter as you are adjusting the vape with the temp. There's no difference to my 340F vape with the power at 30w or 50w because the mod is limiting the temp, so don't be afraid to turn the power up.
I use set watts around 50% more than power mode. You want it hitting set temp as quick as & then the mod should hold it at temp . If powers too low it's going to struggle to get to temp let alone maintain it.

Originally i had it set higher but i was finding that it was hitting like a train at first and then trailing right off once the temp was reached
Originally i had it set higher but i was finding that it was hitting like a train at first and then trailing right off once the temp was reached

what mod is it? .... it shouldn't really trail off, it should feel at a stable and constant temp.
Spoilt with DNA mods, they just work as intended. Find the Evic/Joyetech/Wismec TC mods pretty good as well. Some TC chips I've tried have been garbage, like you said. hit like a brick but struggle to maintain temp. On bad ones you can feel the power kicking in & out. I use TC most of the time especially squonking (saves dry hits when you forget to squonk).
Sorry @vapemac for the waffle but it's experiences like your having that put people off TC, although not everybody enjoys TC regardless.
As regards setting watts you may have to play around to find the oomph to get you to temp without the kick but then keep you at temp so you can enjoy it. It took me a while even on DNA's to find my nice place.
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