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Squonk Check

Thanks. Its cheap as well. Is it well built cause looks aren't everything. But that floats my boat.
As far as I know yes. Plenty of good reviews from folk on here who have it & the Tobhino apparently is good. The only one that might make me part with cash is the black version, that does look good :)2
As far as I know yes. Plenty of good reviews from folk on here who have it & the Tobhino apparently is good. The only one that might make me part with cash is the black version, that does look good :)2

I got the black version. It is nice but be aware that it doesn't have the same see through effect as the amber one! Mildly disappointing as it would have looked really sweet if it had been opaque.

One day left on this one - see if you can get lucky again @tony68!
Thanks for the heads up. Why not
Hey mate - it is a quality bit of kit - solid and small.

Now my personal opinion is it feel like its designed for a girl... . It`s very pretty and handbag friendly :)

TBH i haven`t given it a proper chance yet. did`nt like the RDA that came with it due to it being a very restricted airflow and i`ve shoved my least favorite tank on it (I just put the bonza on to make the photo look pretty).

It does seem to hit well and is weighty but very small. When i get round to doing a build for it on my fav atty all this may change

and - i`m gonna keep it just coz its cute
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