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Single coil squonk atty

Asmodus C4 is a great 24mm squonk. Low profile, wide (proprietary, mind you) 810 and 510, and you can see when juice is about to leak and just stop squonking. Probably not the best for vaping in the dark.
I loves my advken gorge. Bit airier...
I've got Entheons and Hadalys, but in my opinion, these two at higher watts (40-50 ish) are a better vape than the diddy little ones everybody raves about.
Just my opinion mind you.
Had a Drop solo for Christmas, haven't really put it down since haha. Lovely flavour with brochrome
For the last year I've been fairly happy with my current set up. Pico squeeze paired with a hadaly. It was simple, straight forward and delivered what I needed. However for the last month or so I don't feel like I'm getting the same hit like I used to and I feel like it might be time for a change. I'm looking for a single coil, squonk atty, not a wasp nano, I never got on with the one I got previously. What's out there these days?
Ambition Mods C-roll has been brilliant, was running it on a pico till the pico died. Easy to build on, nice draw, excellent flavour and almost impossible to over squonk
I would also recommend the salix. I got the ulton clone from fasttech for about a tenner and it’s very good. Been using it with the smaller cap and the mtl inserts but also comes with a wide slot one for cloudier types than me.
Not sure if anyone has mentioned it yet but, the Vandy Vape Pulse V2 RDA is just about the best squonk RDA I've ever used. Single and double coil options.


Have to say the Pulse V2 is very good indeed. Received mine yesterday and got it set up in single coil mode. Sat on my Topside and it would appear it’s awfully difficult to over squonk it and get it to leak. I’m really pleased with it. However I don’t have a lot of RDA’s to compare it to either.

I did pick up a Blitz Hermetic from Ecigone for £9.99 and that is a little flavour banger right there for a little single coiler. My only other is the Drop.
D-Pro Mini

Teeny, excellent flavour. A different vape to my Recurve maybe because not just it’s height but also it’s a 510 tip. (3 different ones supplied in box.

Using the supplied coil (reading 0.33ohm) and cotton @ 43w. Bloody lovely.
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