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Lost Vape Furyan (mech)

I think the solution is in Todd's video - bend the copper a tad.
I bent, or pinched the copper legs together a bit, which makes for a softer and slightly shorter throw. Can't for the life of me figure how that happened, unless it wasn't reassembled properly.

This is why I prefer seemples systems, like the Runt, Phobia etc. Everything is visible, and far less to go wrong.
Stripped the SS Furyan with a view to fettling and cleaning today, and noticed one of the brass rods came undone a little too easily. Fuk fuk fukety fuk! Nigh on none existent treads on one of the rods, and not of my doing.

So, argue to toss with FT, or try and contact Lost Vape? Another reminder why I've fallen for the simple no faff squonkers.
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