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Airflow in RDAs:


Jun 28, 2014
Posted this in 'Tips For New Vapers' the other day but here it is in it's own thread so it might get noticed by folks who build their own and might find it interesting or helpful. Some of it is probably not what you expect ;)

Now I'm not saying this guy has found the Holy Grail but I've since rebuilt two Death Traps as per his theory and can say with confidence that he's definitely onto something. I'd like to see him do some experiments with the source of vapour being inside the chamber instead of outside but there's enough here for food for thought, nevertheless.
Next time I recoil my RDA's I'm going to try out his ideas on coil position and using cotton in areas of turbulence. Looking forward to it. :D
While it's really interesting stuff it's definitely not the only factor within the airflow on a coil.
The hellfire short cranked works completely against what logic and the above demonstrations would have you believe.
The airflow literally grazes the top of the coil which is mainly hidden in the well, yet the flavour is amazing.
The chamber plays a huge part in how the air travels too.
Interesting stuff though.
Yes, it's true. His conclusions aren't necessarily what mine would be and he seems to have all his eggs in the one basket. Nevertheless the mechanics of it are worth seeing so as to draw your own conclusions without having to do all that stuff yourself. I'd love to see Oen's setup with the source of the vapour inside the chamber, for example.
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