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One shots

I'd mix 5ml of it with 5ml VG (or the correct % VG/PG for your taste).
See what you think then.
How long a steep?
It depends on exact flavours & brands.
For biscuit 4 weeks should be plenty IMO.
If no good for you after that I would think not for you (not saying no good, just not for you).

Remember taste is subjective & changeable to the pallet.
Ignoring DIY some will say premium, pre mixed, shop bought flavour A is like "The nectar of the greek gods themselves, smooth and flavoursome with a sweet aftertaste".
Others will say, of the exact same premium bottle of flavour "That is Horses piss, or satans vomit, I have tasted a better donkeys ass".

It may not be your mix - just that you do not like that particular flavour.
Well the one in struggling to enjoy just now has been steeping for around 6 weeks, flavor wise it's spot on and quite nice, but feels like high nic.
Though as a test I took 25ml of since fresh dark star key lime pie ( has the same feeling) and mixed it 25/5 with captain custard ( smoothest I have on hand) and it's made a huge change to the harshness but not the flavor, which is good.
I find adding extra sweetener can knock back the harshness somewhat.
OK solution if the juice or your palate can take it.
Ethyl maltol, good for rough juice, shit for coil life!
Might give both of those a try, I like the flavors I have but calming the harshness would make the world of difference to them
What nic are you using?
Darkstar but it's good, it's one or two shots that didn't come out how I'd like them.
But comparing them against store bought juice I think it may be the bakery/biscuit flavoring that tastes harsh to me.
Kind of why I wondered about softening it
Just as a note I have made up plenty of different flavors at the same time using the same nic base, vg and pg so the only variable is the flavoring
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