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strawberry/VanIlla cheesecake


Feb 6, 2017
I made this the other day, simple recipe, I haven't been diy'ng for long but I am happy with it.
Give it a try.

8% strawberry ripe TFA
4% strawberry TFA
6% Graham cheesecake TFA
2% VanIlla bean Icecream

70vg 30pg

Decent shake and vape, steeped for few days flavours improve, it's great. The strawberry cab be done with just strawberry ripe but the strawberry flavour doesn't last as long.
You may want to add more less of some ingredients, personally this is just right for me.
I personally like the VanIlla between 1-3 as more and it takes over.

Another recipe was I dropped the grahams down to 4% and added drop or 2 of koolada 1 or 2 drops)
Upped VanIlla bean to 3% instead of 2, and it tastes like a strawberry and vanilla ice cream with a cone to me.

If you try it please let me know what u think cheers
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