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The rsst

I like my RSST , I drilled out the air hole to 1.2mm and also replaced the centre screw and spring for a 4mm one as I felt I couldn't get enough tension on coil leg with the spring. I also replaced the bottom insulator with o rings - replacing this lot has also stopped the issue it has with leaking down the centre post.
Old skool RSST, work well, drill out air hole, SS rope wick with ekowool sleeve on top part of wick, just done the same with a Kraken for someone at work, its been a long time since I done a genny! Kayfun style are a lot easier imho anyway BUT when you can master a genny atty, its a nice vape plus its good experience for future builds.
I love my RSST, Have tried all wick types including the cellucotton and whilst that wicks fast nothing gives me flavour like the mesh.I have another RSST which I bought used.The problem I have with this is that the positive pin keeps pushing back up for some reason.I have the insulator gromet in the bottom, but I am sure there must be another plastic ring under that again for the thread of the post to screw into.
I love my RSST, Have tried all wick types including the cellucotton and whilst that wicks fast nothing gives me flavour like the mesh.I have another RSST which I bought used.The problem I have with this is that the positive pin keeps pushing back up for some reason.I have the insulator gromet in the bottom, but I am sure there must be another plastic ring under that again for the thread of the post to screw into.

This is one of the issues with the RSST, over time the grommet wears and the threads cannot grip, one of the reasons I replaced the stock screw with a 4mm one but upside down using the head as the positive connector on the 510 connection. I also replaced the grommet with some rubber o rings.

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