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Basic resistance question


Oct 10, 2015
Why does the overall resistance half when building duel coils? Would it not double as there is twice as much wire to heat?

I'm sure the answer is basic but I have always wondered.
Take water flow for example, the water is the current. We have a one inch pipe carrying a given volume of water. Now, we place an identical pipe beside it - same size, same pressure. Suddenly, we are flowing twice the water because we have half the resistance.

The resistance is decreased when dual coiled because you are providing 2 paths for the electricity to travel through and it will increase the current flow meaning decrease in resistance. That's how ohms law works !

Not sure if this helps haha but I tried ! :)
When explaining to some I think the logic of lower equals higher doesn't make sense in a sentence as it's kinda backwards compared to most other applications. Think more of the word resistance, one coil will resist the power offered, add another coil the resistance will half because you have given the offered power two paths. As @snoopzilla said two pipes, twice the flow rate of water, twice the power...... so 1ohm coil = .1 ohm of resistance to the power being offered, add another 1ohm coil you get .5 of resistance....

That's my go at 3.30am..! Hope it helps...
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